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Disk.com uses the most advanced duplication and printing systems available, clients can expect stunning full color on-disc printing as well as superior disc quality.
We offer industry standard turnaround times as well as comprehensive print and packaging solutions for all of your production needs. Whether you’re in the market for only a few discs or mass quantities, we have solutions that are right for you.
Tell us a few key things about your project. We will call you with any clarifying questions and send you an e-mailed quote in 24 hours excluding weekends. We’re excited to work together on your CD, DVD, or USB drive project.
At Disk.com, we are a CD, DVD, and USB drive duplication company that takes pride in our work. Disk.com strives to meet the individual needs of each customer. We encourage you to take a closer look at who we are and what we offer as a CD, DVD, and USB drive provider.
Create your Audio CDs, Data CDs, Video DVDs, or Blu-Ray™ discs in small or large batches with our high-quality media duplication services.
In addition to optical media, we can provide your content onto USB Flash Drives, Portable Hard Drives, PlayAway Audio Devices, or even Printed Video.
Using the latest technology in the industry, you create the artwork or we can repurpose your graphics for the artwork and duplicate it onto your products!
Boxes & mailers, all shapes, sizes, and even colors. Blank boxes are great for an exterior shipping box, but for a kit or a “shock-and-awe” product you may want a custom label printed and applied, or even a custom designed box to your exact company branding preferences.
There is no question that the content on a CD or DVD is what’s most important, but the packaging is what is seen first. The CD and DVD Packaging gives a visual and text description of what the contents of the CD or DVD media contains.
As content becomes larger in storage space, and delivering content on USB drives become more popular, the packaging options have expanded as well recently. We offer some standard options that are readily available, and also many custom options.
Portable audio devices allow you to deliver your content to customers with easy stand-alone units that are branded to your desires matching your overall brand image.
These Printed Video devices offer a small post-card or even letter sized holder for a portable video player to be sent to prospects, given away at trade shows, or shown while with a client.
Customized to be embedded into printing and marketing materials, get low-profile custom USB URL Launchers in small or large duplication and print runs.
Consider us your replication and duplication partner. We will work with you to tailor the solution to your needs.
We specialize in physical media such as CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs and USB flash drives. We can print, package and burn your disc, and data load your flash drives in 24 to 48 hours if needed.
Get Your FREE QUOTEIf you need it in a hurry just let us know. With your speedy approval of check discs and artwork we can turn your project around in 24 hours. Just need a few discs? Short-run is the way to go.
Using high quality discs and continual hardware upgrades ensure only the best technologies are used on your project. It’s never been easier or more affordable to take advantage of the superior picture and convenience of DVD & Blu-ray technology.
Disk.com uses the most advanced duplication and printing systems available, clients can expect stunning full color on-disc printing as well as superior disc quality.
Our pricing strategy is highly competitive in the market, without compensating on the quality and the delivery.
Every duplication job is guaranteed. For any reason you are not satisfied with the result, we'll find a solution together.
A WAV audio file at 41kHz, 16bit stereo would produce the best results, however an MP3 format should work as well. The MP3 is compressed and has a smaller file size, which may reduce the master quality slightly.
MP3 files will typically be converted to a CD Audio format to be universally played in any type of CD Audio Player. Even though you can fit more content onto a CD with MP3 files, we do not recommend having a CD with MP3 files because a majority of standard CD Players are not capable of reading the MP3 files.
Either way, the standard audio CD can hold up to 74 minutes and a non-standard can hold up to 80 minutes.
For VIDEO, we prefer: DV/NTSC video format – for the Americas, an aspect ratio of (4:3) Standard screen or (16:9) Wide screen, 720×480 frame size in Standard Definition and a frame rate of 29.97fps.
File formats listed in order of preference are: MPEG2 (m2v), QuickTime (mov), or AVI Video data-rate should be NO less than 6 Mbps (megabits per second) with a Max data-rate of 7.5 (megabits per second). Audio must be PCM (AIFF) or Digital Dolby Stereo (AC3)… At 48kHz, (kilohertz,) 16 bit stereo AC3 audio allows more content on the disc.
You can send us a hard copy of your approved master* (either DVD, Audio CD or CD-Rom) by mail or express courier to:
Corporate Disk Company
Attn: Project Coordinator
4610 Prime Parkway
McHenry IL 60050
*We will run a computer analysis to test the master before making copies, and if the analysis passes we will use your master disk. Be sure that the master is on the same media as what you’re wanting to duplicate, eg. a DVD-9 master cannot be used for a DVD-5 duplication project.
If we are helping to create your master: You can send a hard copy of your video or audio files on a hard drive, USB, or disc to the same address mentioned earlier. (We will return your hard drive or USB after we extract the media……. For smaller size files (under 1GB) you can upload to our FTP site**. You can request instructions from your sales rep or project coordinator.)
** You may want to compress large files and folders prior to uploading to FTP using a compression program such as Stuffit for MAC OR Zip or Winzip for PC users.
We can also provide some technical assistance to help you make an ISO Image file of your content to ensure nothing gets corrupted while digitally transferring the content.
Yes we can. We can create menus for DVDs or USB Drives, we can create navigation for PDF documents, and we can help to make sure your audio CD content shows up properly in the music applications by updating a music content database.
CD-R means Compact Disc-Recordable where data is burned directly to the blank disc one at a time. CD-Rs are most cost effective in low quantity runs.
CD-Rom means Compact Disc Read Only Memory and is mainly a storage method for data to be read or used in a computer.
In general there are Audio, Data, Enhanced (Audio and Data), and Video types of CDs. Those are based on the kind of content that is on the CD. Below is some technical details about the formats and terms for CDs.
ISO966: the original file CD data format uses a DOS file format of 8 characters followed by a dot and a 3-character extension.
JOLIET: is based on ISO9660 but allows additional characters, including spaces, and names up to 256 characters long. You should still include only one dot immediately before the 3-charcter extension.
HYBRID (PC/Mac): uses MAC HFS format and PC ISO9660 or Joliet on the same CD, allowing the one CD to be played in either a PC or a Mac.
MULTI-SESSION: Data is recorded to a single CD-R in several sessions. A CD-R recorded in a multi-session format can not be used as a master to replicate CD-ROMs.
MODE 1: uses 2048 bytes for user data plus a third layer of error detection. This Mode provides the highest integrity for computer data.
MODE 2: uses 2336 bytes for user data with no third layer of error detection. This mode was designed for multi-media graphics and video. The most common format is CD-ROM-XA.
PRE-GAP/ POST-GAP: empty lengths of track which are placed before and after the data track.
DVD stands for Digital Video Disc. Like the audio CD, it has been adapted by the digital world to do more than it was originally intended. Now DVDs are commonly used for video, audio and data.
A DVD-5 is a single layer one-sided disc that can hold 4.7 GB of data or approximately 135 min of video. A DVD-5 is the most commonly used type of DVD.
A DVD-9 is a double layer one-sided disc that can hold 8.5 GB of data or approximately 245 min of video. The second most commonly used type of DVD. Most of the time an untrained eye will not notice the difference a DVD-5 or a DVD-9 from a visual stand point, but you will notice the content is longer.
A DVD-10 is a single layer double-sided disc that can hold 9.4 GB or aprroximately 270 min of video. Not commonly used because in order to use the full amount of storage space the disc needs to be flipped over in the player. Some DVDs you might see have different content on each side, and this could be a DVD-10.
A DVD-18 is a double layer double-sided disc that can hold 17 GB or approximately 490 min of video. Just like the DVD-10, a DVD-18 is not commonly used because in order to use the full amount of storage space the disc needs to be flipped over in the player. Some DVDs you might see have different content on each side, and this could be a DVD-10 or a DVD-18 if it has a larger amount of content.
Duplication and replication are both methods of making copies of CD and DVD optical media.
Replication is a process of manufacturing the disc with content through an injection molding process with a stamper created from the disc master. In replication, the data is “built in” to the CD or DVD as the disc is formed.
Duplication is the process of burning the data onto a “blank” recordable disc like you might be able to do on your own computer, except we can burn many discs at the same time.
The end result, both processed give you discs with data. So key considerations when you are trying to decide between the two are: How many discs do you need…… how quickly do you need them……and do you expect the discs to be used repeatedly or occasionally over a long period of time?
Replication is the most cost effective with 500 or more units of the same title., which can usually be completed between 5-10 days.
Replicated discs typically have a longer lifespan than duplicated discs, because duplicated discs use dye which is altered by the laser, burning the data and over time the dye can fade and affect the playability of the discs.
Duplication is typically most cost effective with less than 500 units. There is no need to create a stamper, therefore the process is relatively quick. In cases when a quick turnaround time is required, we can still duplicate at higher quantities thab the 500 unit threshold.
When replicating CDs or DVDs, the data on your master is converted into a glass master which is basically pits and valleys that are etched into a piece of glass. This glass master is then used to create a metal stamper for the CD/DVD injection molding machines of your content to be molded onto the polycarbonate material.
A white flood coat is a white layer of ink that coats the the print surface of a CD or DVD before the artwork is printed. The reason it is needed it because usually the artwork is designed to be printed onto paper, but the surface of a CD or DVD is silver. If there isn’t a white base the artwork colors will print out a lot different than what is expected with the design.
If you want some of the silver to show through, than a spot white base layer can be put under the printed area to have accurate printed colors.
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